New Age
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River Flows
This is a beautiful piano solo in the key of A major written by the Korean pianist, Yiruma, with a delicate progression in harmony and variations in rhythm. "River Flows" is a great piece for the late intermediate pianist. SEE STUDENT VIDEO river-flows-in-you...
Cristofori’s Dream
This is a beautiful piece by David Lanz arranged for violin, cello, and piano by my students Li ann and Jillian. Cristoforis Dream
A Graceful Dawn
" A Graceful Dawn" is a delicate piano solo intended for a intermediate student , written in the key of C major with grace notes and legato phrases to be played in seamless manner portraying a quiescent dawn. A Graceful Dawn A Graceful Dawn with...
Autumn Nocturne
This is a delicate seasonal piano solo with optional flute written in the key of C major for a intermediate to late intermediate pianist. "Autumn Nocturne" is filled with sequences and rich textures depicting Autumn's gradual and ever changing colors. Autumn...
Where The Wind Blows
Where the Wind Blows: Is a very expressive piece using a lot of rubato, dynamics, counterpoint, and written in a minor for students level 5 through 6. Where the Wind Blows